
Anthology: A Collections of Flowers by Shiva

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Ugly Little Girl

I was eight years old when I met Sally. She was in my third grade class.

Sally was not very pretty. Her hair was always unkempt and cut in an unflattering manner. Her home life must have really been awful. She always wore these old dirty clothes and you could tell that she seldom bathed. She was not a happy person and very few of the children would have anything to do with her. In short she was the one person you did not want to be accused of having as a girlfriend.

One day I came into the classroom and there was a beautiful girl talking to the teacher. I ran up to the teacher and asked who the new girl was.

There was a nervous laughter in the room. The teacher said, "This is not a new student. This is Sally! Her grandmother is visiting and dressed her up!"

My mouth fell open, I could not believe that this was the same girl! She was beautiful!

Then I heard Jimmy snicker.

I didn't care what had happened, I only knew that I did not want Jimmy teasing me about having Sally as a girlfriend.

I looked at Sally and said, "Well, I still think you are ugly."

For the rest of my life I will remember the transformation on Sally's face from an expression of radiance and joy to hurt and tears.

I hardly remember the teacher's harsh command to make me apologize. It was too late. I had hurt her and nothing I could do could put that smile back that was there just a minute ago.

Sometimes I hear people say that if they could live their life over they wouldn't change a thing. They are either lucky or have a selective memory. I cannot make that statement. Even now almost 40 years later, I feel badly for what I said. But I cannot change it or take it back. I realized that five seconds after those terrible words came out of my mouth.

"Ugly Little Girl" Commentary:

The past contains many dark acts that each of us make as a human being. The Bible says, "For all have fallen short of the glory of God."

The past is there for us to learn from. It is sad that many times our lessons come from the hurt we inflict upon others.

Sally taught me to watch my words and to not give into peer pressure. It is easy to get so caught up in our own self-centered view of life that we become brutal in dealing with others. This is a result of not having an awakened consciousness yet.

I am sorry for the hurt I may have caused people in the past, but I must really examine and learn from this unfortunate incident so that I will not relive this experience over and over again.

This episode also teaches me tolerance in dealing with other souls that are still asleep and behave towards me in this self-entered way. I must suspend my judgment and realize that my self-righteousness is as filthy rags to the nostrils of God.

This incident continually shows me the value of being involved with the awakening process.




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