
Anthology: A Collections of Flowers by Shiva

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Dad's Philosophy

It was a hot summer's day in Hobbs, New Mexico. I was five years old and was sitting on a pile of freshly dug dirt.

Dad was a plumber and he was making an emergency call this Saturday. I had begged to come along and now I was watching him toil in the heat. He was a hard worker. The sweat dripped down his face that was shaded by a straw western hat.

There was about twenty feet of sewer pipe that had to be dug up and replaced. After a while he reached the rupture and the air filled with a definite stench. He continued to work, shoveling the raw sewage and exposing the busted pipe. After a while he stopped and removed his cowboy hat. He wiped his forehead with an old bandanna and looked up at me.

He said, "Son, you can shovel shit, as long as you can see an end to it."

"Dad's Philosophy" Commentary:

Each of us experience times when we go through really rough times. We can handle the most difficult circumstances if we realize that it is only a passing event.

Hell is when you are shoveling shit and you feel that there is no end in sight.

When someone is living in Hell, I usually try to encourage him or her to seek another point of view and an alternative course of action.




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