the world, get a job, make money, balance you check book,
bring impeccability to all that you do. Only when your
tonal is very strong can you face immortality. Balance is
the key. You must face the world as a warrior. The
luminous worlds are magical, but only the warrior can
enter. If you enter the unknown without a strong tonal,
you can go crazy. Really! Mental wards of hospitals are
filled with people who tried to go too far, too fast. They
stepped into the unknown, and they couldn’t handle it.
They had weak tonals. So, take care of your bodies, your
careers, your relationships. Unless you do this, I cannot
help you.”

Rama continued to speak, but I was swept away into
meditation. I was no longer able to focus on his words.
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Awake In The Dream copyright 1999 Lynne Miller